What Does Pom Vps Stand For
What Does Pom Vps Stand For. •POM-VPS A veterinary medicines classified as POM-VPS may be prescribed by any Registered Qualified Person (RQP - a veterinarian, a pharmacist or an appropriately qualified SQP). Non-Food Animal - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person What does AVM-GSL stand for?
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Prescription-only Medicine - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person (SQP); abbreviated to POM-VPS; Non-Food Animal - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Suitably Qualified Person; abbreviated to NFA-VPS; and, Authorised Veterinary Medicine - General Sales List; abbreviated to AVM-GSL. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what does pom-v stand for?, what does POM-VPS mean?, what does nfa-vps stand for and more. In particular, a pharmacist prescribing a product classified as POM-VPS or supplying a product classified as NFA-VPS must: Be satisfied that the medicine is appropriate for the animal and. when s/he does so, advise on the safe administration of the veterinary medicinal product; when s/he does so, advise as necessary on any warnings or contra-indications on the label or package leaflet; and; not prescribe (or in the case of a NFA-VPS product, supply) more than the minimum quantity required for the treatment.