Cloud Computing Explained For Dummies
Cloud Computing Explained For Dummies. Cloud providers run lots of compute servers (which are just computers that exist to "serve" applications and data in response to external requests), storage devices, and networking hardware. Once you've assessed how much you already know, it's time to start learning the fundamentals of cloud computing.
Simply put, the cloud is the Internet —more specifically, it's all of the things you can access remotely over the Internet. Computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, are available on-demand, without direct. It is the on-demand availability of computer services like servers, networking, databases, data storage, etc.
Cloud computing serves different needs for different constituents within your organization.
There is no debate about it: Cloud computing has changed the way businesses operate.
Cloud computing means that instead of all the computer hardware and software you're using sitting on your desktop, or somewhere inside your company's network, it's provided for you as a service by another company and accessed over the Internet, usually in a completely seamless way. I explain the basics of cloud computing for beginners. Cloud Computing is defined as storing and accessing data and computing services over the Internet.