Best Os For A Vps To Host A Website
Best Os For A Vps To Host A Website. Windows VPS to help you choose which best meets your virtual hosting needs. Shared hosting is the most common form of web hosting and works well for many new website owners.
Two of the most commonly available OS in the VPS market space are Windows and Linux. Fedora is known to be the best OS distribution in support of VPS Linux. A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a popular choice for organizations in need of web hosting as it provides an economical and secure platform from which to run their applications, for example, a business or e-commerce website.
Can I Host a WordPress Website on VPS?
If you're in the market for a hosting platform with lots of options, check out DreamHost.
Between these two extremes, a continuum of options is available. In this article, we are going to look at why a VPS makes sense for businesses of any size and how to choose the operating system used by your virtual server. For example, Windows Servers are typically more expensive to deploy but it has the edge if you're planning to make use of ASP or other Microsoft-centric applications.